Lockdown February 2021- Week 7: a Birthday Sack of Potatoes.
I didn't do it at Christmas, or New Year, or even Valentine's Day, but I finally did it for my birthday. I made a bit of an effort: freshly washed hair, face scrubbed and moisturised, even a hint of make-up. I would have taken the dressing-up a little further, but the only place I wanted to go that day was the woods, so my brightened face was paired with a snuggly woollen jumper, loose jeans and mud-caked hiking boots. I did, however, reach for my pink wool beret, which is my way of saying "I don't know or care if it's fashionable right now, but it makes me very happy." We feel so blessed to live on the edge of the town, in walking distance to the canal where kingfishers, coots and cormorants dart, float and fly, close to the woods where red deer stroll and red kites soar. Being able to enjoy and trust in Nature has been one of life's gifts from my parents, which I am passionate about passing on to our boys. You might remember the RSPB bird watch, whi...