Where To Find A Glimmer of Hope

Our future is suddenly uncertain. Our simple values of humanity: to be kind, thoughtful and welcoming, have been kicked to the kerb, beaten and spat upon, all in a matter of days. Yet, I want to invite you into a new world with a glimmer of hope, hidden away in your local library, or children's school. This time last year, I was teaching English in a London school, my last term before maternity leave. Since then, I've nurtured our little ones, day and night feeding, singing them to sleep and reading the same book multiple times. As I begin to consider an eventual return to the classroom, I'm feeling a little bit hopeful, maybe a window into a better future, filled with possibility, change and kindness. Even the worst behaved, or most apathetic of students, in my opinion, can enjoy a good story. Sharing books, discussing, reflecting, writing about our response to Literature is therapeutic as well as informative. Lessons can induce laughter and s...