Early Motherhood Clouded by Thick Fog, Just Like This Year's Supermoon.

Our youngest has the box room at the back corner of the house, its window to the side. Looking out, there's a disappointing view: a thousand bricks, rising high into the blue. Yet, there is one slither of visible sky. Every evening, after bath time, we snuggle on his low bed, reading stories and settling for a milk feed. The curtains are closed and the lights are dimmed to a low warm light. We must have been a bit rushed one evening, a later bedtime with an overtired baby. We collapsed onto the mattress, comfortable and settled at last. It was only then that I looked up and realised that the blinds were up and I'd forgotten to turn the night light on. But the room had a glow more lovely and soft than usual; the moon was steadily rising up through the narrow visible triangle of sky. We both stared up in awe at the bright crescent moon and our little 17month old pointed and muttered "moo". We've now spent a few evenings pointing at the m...